
When I was 9, I made my first $5 selling ad space on my personal website to my fourth grade teacher. I built it with some WYSIWYG editor from Microsoft that was deprecated by the time I entered high school.

Since then, I've worked on:

  • Sail / Muddy - Multiplayer web browser
  • Masonic - Accounting for startups
  • Spree (YC S19) - Stores in Airbnb homes
  • Expo - Universal native app platform

The least surprising thing I can say about myself is that I like building things. I think the process of creating something and distributing it to others is one of the joys of being human.

I spent two years studying Computer Science at Berkeley before taking leave in 2018. Berkeley is a beautiful city and I wish to spend more time there in the future.

In 2023, I learned how to ski and surf. Surfing stands out to me because it’s an unobvious combination of theory, mechanical skill, and opportunism. I usually go to Linda Mar (Pacifica) or Bolinas but hope to surf Ocean Beach soon.


© 2025 Jimmy Liu